
ISH 2017

Report from the exhibition grounds


With 200.114 visitors from 61 countries, it’s safe to say the ISH fair in Frankfurt last week was a great success. The 2500(!) exhibitors report being very satisfied with the quality of the international fair – now it’s time for the follow-up. This also applies to Stabiplan: our participation in ISH 2017 is already called successful.  

Of course: ahead of us we have a lot of following-up to do as well. But in the first place, we look back on a great week with many good conversations and interesting encounters. It would go to far to address all interesting topics in detail. Still, we can outline the main topics that were discussed during the fair.

Manufacturers and BIM

Every self-respecting manufacturer has Building Information Modeling (BIM) high on the agenda today. It’s simple: engineers need high-quality and up-to-date content for their BIM models. Nice examples of manufacturers with a focus on BIM were featured on the stands of Caleffi, Oventrop and Sanha. Two years ago, a low BIM adoption in a certain country could be used as an excuse. We have left these days now definitely behind us.

Design flow

BIM is a process; this is true for the building industry as a whole, but also when zooming in on the installation industry. The MEP design flow shows that BIM is much more than a software tool. It’s about people working together, coming to agreements and managing expectations. Many conversations at the ISH were about this topic. On an international trade fair in particular, it is valuable to exchange experiences and share knowledge.

Content platform

As mentioned before: manufacturers are aware of the importance of good content. But there is more to it: this is the strength of a platform like MEPcontent which brings engineers and manufacturers together. Everyone reaps the benefits: engineers have access to all important content and are ensured of good quality, while manufacturers know that their products are listed and can be communicated directly to engineers to receive valuable feedback.

You could say that a platform like MEPcontent is similar to the exhibition floor place of an international tradeshow. Online.